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    手机如何切换ipSociety of Professional Journalists
     Improving and protecting journalism since 1909

    SPJ, RTDNA to offer virtual opportunities in lieu of in-person conference for 2023

    SPJ is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism.

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    This series of summer webinars will explore issues surrounding the public’s distrust of the press, which students will encounter as working journalists. All sessions are free to attend, and college students who attend at least four of the sessions will receive a Media Trust Seminar completion certificate from SPJ.

    Get additional details and register here.


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    – Membership dues waiver request
    SPJ’s Employment and Career Center: Apply for jobs, connect with journalists and more
    – Journalists Helping Journalists [LinkedIn]
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    一键更换ip地址软件 Gift an SPJ membership, join our ranks, and help us help journalism


    Is your organization hosting an event you think would be of interest to journalists? Add it to our calendar!

    Upcoming SPJ events
    8/04/20: Media Trust Webinar Series for College Students: Improving coverage of communities of color
    8/04/20: #ICTalks: A Conversation With Mosheh Oinounou

    Additional upcoming events
    7/01/20: ElectionSOS
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    >> Full calendar


    Closely organized around SPJ's Code of Ethics, this updated edition uses real-life case studies to demonstrate how students and professionals in journalism and other communication disciplines identify and reason through ethical dilemmas.

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    – IndieBound
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    – Stories from the Frontlines: Journalists and Protests with CNN's Brian Stelter
    – Censorship: Getting Past Reporting Roadblocks in the Time of COVID-19
    – College Media Revenue Reversal
    – A Semester Sendoff from Jorge Ramos: Journalism Needs You Now More Than Ever

    > See all videos


    SPJ is proud to announce the recipients of the 2023 Sigma Delta Chi Awards for excellence in journalism. Read, watch and listen to all the winning entries right here.


    – Reporters Without Borders: Tracker-19
    – The Johns Hopkins coronavirus map
    – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    – World Health Organization
    – U.S. Travel Association
    – Meeting Professionals International
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    – Newsletters


    The Journalist's Toolbox


    More Journalist's Toolbox:
    Copy Editing Resources
    Transcription Tools
    Podcasting Resources

    >> Visit The Journalist's Toolbox

    The Society of Professional Journalists is the nation’s most broad-based journalism organization, dedicated to encouraging the free practice of journalism and stimulating high standards of ethical behavior.

    一键切换ip地址的软件 • Become a Member • Become a Supporter
    Find a Chapter • Donate



    SPJ has compiled the following resources in light of the increasing sexual misconduct allegations against high-profile male journalists. These are for journalists everywhere, but especially for those being harassed, those whose employers don’t provide employee training or those who know harassment is taking place but aren’t sure what to do about it.


    Many reputable news organizations offer secure pathways for people wanting to leak information, and SPJ is building a list to help facilitate the effort.

    Announcing the winners of the 2023 national Mark of Excellence Awards for collegiate journalists

    The Society of Professional Journalists is pleased to announce the national winners of the 2023 Mark of Excellence Awards, recognizing collegiate work published or broadcasted during 2023.



    Awards: Getting your best work recognized shouldnt be an afterthought

    More from Quill:
    Building a better chapter
    With fields and arenas empty, sports writers take on hard news
    From the President: Journalism, now more than ever

    For more than 100 years the Society of Professional Journalists has been dedicated to encouraging a climate in which journalism can be practiced more freely and fully, stimulating high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism and perpetuating a free press. Join us today!

    Join SPJ

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    – Use our AutoDues option to join SPJ with low monthly payments.

    – Join SPJ as a supporter for only $20 a year.

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    – Membership expired? Renew in minutes today.
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    – Discounted rates for attending our Excellence in Journalism Conference and nominating your work for SPJ’s Sigma Delta Chi and Mark of Excellence Awards.

    – Get access to discounts on everything from insurance to hotel stays to AP Stylebooks and office supplies.

    – Member-only website features: Join communities, watch on-demand training videos and webinars, add your information to the Freelancer Directory read our guide for freelancers, and more as part of your SPJ membership.

    For more than 100 years the Society of Professional Journalists has been dedicated to encouraging a climate in which journalism can be practiced more freely and fully, stimulating high standards and ethical behavior in the practice of journalism and perpetuating a free press. Join us today!

    Join SPJ

    – Join online in minutes today.

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    – Join SPJ as a supporter for only $20 a year.

    – Join by mail using this downloadable form. [PDF]

    – Membership expired? Renew in minutes today.
    Why Join?

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    – Discounted rates for attending our convention and entering our national journalism awards.

    – Get access to discounts on everything from insurance to hotel stays to AP Stylebooks and office supplies.

    Journalism Ethics


    SPJ declares these four principles as the foundation of ethical journalism and encourages their use in its practice by all people in all media.


    Ethics Case Studies

    There seems to be no shortage of ethical issues in journalism these days. Let these sample cases — nearly 20 in all — guide you in your classes, speeches, columns, workshops or research.

    For journalism instructors and others interested in presenting ethical dilemmas for debate and discussion, SPJ has a useful resource. We've been collecting a number of case studies for use in workshops. The Ethics AdviceLine operated by the Chicago Headline Club and Loyola University also has provided a number of examples. There seems to be no shortage of ethical issues in journalism these days. Please feel free to use these examples in your classes, speeches, columns, workshops or other modes of communication.

    — Index
    — Using the ‘Holocaust’ Metaphor
    — Aaargh! Pirates! (and the Press)
    — Reigning on the Parade
    — Controversy over a Concert
    — Deep Throat, and His Motive
    — When Sources Won’t Talk
    — A Suspect “Confession”
    — 一键修改ip地址
    — The Media’s Foul Ball
    — Publishing Drunk Drivers’ Photos
    — Naming Victims of Sex Crimes
    — A Self-Serving Leak
    — The Times and Jayson Blair
    — Cooperating with the Government
    — 手机怎么切换ip
    — The Sting
    — 一键切换ip地址
    — A Congressman’s Past
    — Crafting a Policy

    New! Media Ethics: 5th Edition

    Closely organized around SPJ's Code of Ethics, this updated edition uses real-life case studies to demonstrate how students and professionals in journalism and other communication disciplines identify and reason through ethical dilemmas.

    Order now:
    – 一键切换ip地址
    – 手机一键切换ip地址
    – IndieBound
    – 一键更换ip地址软件


    Ethics Help

    Have a dilemma? Our experts are standing by. Get your questions answered here.

    — Frequently Asked Questions
    — 手机如何切换ip


    The SPJ Foundation: Donate Today

    The work of the Society of Professional Journalists Foundation (formerly Sigma Delta Chi Foundation) depends on time, talent and financial support from journalists and others who support these goals.



    When you donate to the General Fund, you are providing the resources to cover SPJ’s most pressing needs and ensuring that membership fees remain affordable. In an ever more challenging environment, your support is needed now more than ever.

    First Amendment Forever Fund

    It isn’t getting any easier to fight for press freedom. It’s getting worse. The Forever Fund is a sustained war chest to guarantee someone is always fighting for press freedom. If we don’t do it, who will?

    Legal Defense Fund

    The Society's Legal Defense Fund provides journalists with legal or direct financial assistance. SPJ collects and distributes contributions for aiding journalists in defending the rights guaranteed by the First Amendment.

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    Join the Freelance Community Facebook group!

    Great discussions await. If you have an interest in freelance journalism, you're invited to join our Facebook group.


    On Your Own: A Guide to Freelance Journalism

    The online version of the SPJ Freelance Community’s guide to freelancing. Free for all members.


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    – Freelance Pitching Resources: Find your next outlet and craft a perfect pitch with this collection of publications and their pitching guidelines.


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    – A Beginner’s Guide to Copyright for Freelance Journalists (PDF)

    – SPJ Videos on Demand about Freelancing and Branding

    – Contract Clauses on Copyright: A library of clauses from freelance journalism contracts

    Journalism Training

    The Journalist's Toolbox


    More Journalist's Toolbox:
    Copy Editing Resources
    Search Engines
    Transcription Tools
    Podcasting Resources

    >> Visit The Journalist's Toolbox

    SPJ + Google News Initiative: Tools Training for Journalists

    SPJ and the Google News Initiative have teamed up to provide training and outreach to journalists around the U.S. looking to apply Google tools in their newsgathering, reporting and storytelling. Get all the details here.

    FOI step-by-step guides

    If you're unfamiliar with FOIA laws or just need some guidance, we can help.

    – FOI for students
    – FOI for pros

    Additional guides:
    – Reporter’s Guide to FERPA: Family Education Rights and Privacy Act
    – Open Doors: Accessing Government Records
    – Campus Access Center



    #Press 4 Education

    SPJ and the Journalism Education Association are looking to match journalists and K-12 teachers in a nationwide effort to bring more journalism education to schools. The project, #Press4Education, provides lesson plans, presentations and other resources to journalists who want to volunteer to share their knowledge. Get the details — and get involved — here.

    Explore SPJ

    SPJ: Who We Are

    – General Information
    – Contact Us
    – Quill
    – SPJ News
    – Chapters
    – Committees
    – Communities
    – Board of Directors
    – Headquarters Staff
    – Awards
    – Bylaws
    – History of the Society
    – Documentation
    – Tools for SPJ Leaders


    SPJ's lengthy roster of chapters provide its backbone. Locate, participate in and develop a chapter here.

    Find chapters in your state

    SPJ's lengthy roster of chapters provide its backbone. The local chapter is the conduit SPJ members require to learn about events in their local journalism community as well as positions that journalists are taking nationwide on topics such as Freedom of Information and First Amendment rights. Locate, participate in and develop a chapter here.

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    – Diversity
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    – Freedom of Information
    – Freelancing
    – Generation J
    – Global Journalism
    – Journalism Training
    – Jobs
    – J-Students
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    Ready to raise your game and take your career to new places? Let SPJ help with its selection of training programs and workshops.

    Copyright © 1996-2023 Society of Professional Journalists. All rights reserved.

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    Indianapolis, IN 46208

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